How To Get an Email Response: 3 Tips for Quick Replies

How to get a response to an email

How To Get an Email Response  How to get a response to an email is a question we often help Mindmaven clients with. So we thought it could be helpful to share some top tips.  If you struggle with getting responses to emails or want to know how to politely follow up on unanswered emails, […]

How To Make Introductions That Deliver Awesome Value to Your Network

Strings interconnected between different pillars to show how to make introductions

Imagine this: You’ve just met with a new contact for the first time and can already tell there’s a lot of potential in the relationship. As a result, you want to establish yourself as someone of value; someone worth connecting with. What’s one of the most effective ways to deliver this kind of value early […]

Forget newsletters: 4 tips to stay top-of-mind using personalized update emails

Maybe that title is a little over-zealous: Don’t forget newsletters; they’re a powerful conversion tool. But don’t limit yourself to them. One of the most underutilized email strategies in network relationship management are personalized update emails. These are exactly what they sound like: Personal updates sent to your professional network; a quick and easy way […]

Top VCs on the 6 Habits of Highly-Productive Startup CEOs

The failure rate for startups is a staggering 90%. There are many reasons for that statistic, from failing to find a market to simply running out a cash, but almost every excuse stems from a common problem: A CEO who didn’t use their time productively. From focusing on the wrong things to not focusing at […]