Introducing Positive Alacrity: The Quickest, Most Effective Way to Build Deeper Relationships and a Happier Life

2 min read

Over the last year spent working with brilliant startup CEOs and executives, we at Mindmaven have been developing a powerful leadership tactic we’re calling Positive Alacrity; and we just unveiled this strategy for the first time on The Mission. Check it out here:

Want a Happier, More Fulfilling Life? 75-Year Harvard Study Says Focus on This One Thing

Simply put, Positive Alacrity is the skill of consistently delivering micro-experiences that have a profoundly uplifting impact on the people we interact with.

As simple as it sounds, I’ve seen people—myself included—achieve powerful (even life-changing) results with an incredibly small investment (just a few seconds each day). For example, some of the startup leaders I’ve worked with have reported …

  • Improved reputation as a leader (often resulting in lower attrition rates),
  • Lessened CEO loneliness due to a greater sense of connection to the company as a whole, and
  • Direct influence over one’s company culture through the ability to lead by example.

In short, you could call Positive Alacrity the #1 shortcut to delivering happiness to others and—in turn—creating a long-lasting sense of fulfillment for yourself. And it all comes down to a single habit.

If you’re interested in learning more about the power of Positive Alacrity and how to harness it in your life, head over to The Mission and check out our debut article:

Want a Happier, More Fulfilling Life? 75-Year Harvard Study Says Focus on This One Thing

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